Apiary Meeting 6 August 2017
Weather warm 20 degrees. Objective of meeting was to review [...]
Weather warm 20 degrees. Objective of meeting was to review [...]
Weather sunny 19 degrees. Hive #1 - inspected by Mel. [...]
Hives #2 & #6 inspected. Hive #2 - inspected by [...]
Weather sunny 28 degrees. Hive #1 - inspected by Rowan [...]
Hives #2A & #6 inspected. Weather warm and sunny 25 [...]
Weather warm and sunny 26 degrees. Hive #1 - [...]
Wednesday inspection of Hives #2 #2A and #6. Weather sunny [...]
Weather cooler 20 degrees after long hot spell. Hive #1 [...]
weather very warm and sunny - 28 degrees. Hive #1 [...]
Weather sunny and windy - 20 degrees. Hive #1 [...]